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搭Bus在Peak District時,經過一個城鎮叫做Hope,很寧靜,雖然三點左右,已經是夕陽時刻,四周都是霧氣,太陽也顯得像是電影場景,超浪漫的感覺。



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Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city, has many interesting buildings all within walking distance of Princes Street and the famous Royal Mile.

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Edinburgh is a festival city. Festivals - what Edinburgh does best. The Edinburgh Festival is a generic term used to describe the cultural explosion which takes place in the city in August each year. It is in fact made up of a variety of festivals and events including the International Festival, The Fringe, Book Festival, Military Tattoo, Jazz Festival and Edinburgh Mela. You can be sure that there's always something to tempt you during a stay in Edinburgh.

Spring time sees Ceilidh Culture, the Science Festival and the Film Festival providing the entertainment while the Children's Festival starts the summer with playful exuberance. Later in the year, the city comes alive during the Winter festivals which feature the month-long Edinburgh's Christmas and culminates with the world famous Hogmanay celebrations.
Human Statue

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I don't know much about Glasgow. I just see some good architecture and took pictures. So, don't ask me the details. Ariel was busy introducing me the history of Glasgow while I was also busy photo-shooting. We didn't spend too much time in town but we certainly enjoyed a good south-east asia meal.

Thank Ariel again for her hospitality. I think we two (Ariel and I) definitely can be traval pals together.

Peacock's Square

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I had a very tiring journey in Scotland. This update picture was taken by Ariel's camera while we were on the way to Edinburgh photoshooting for the Parade there. We were like the dead on the way back home and slept as much as we could in the train. 3 days and 2 nights journey in Scotland really tired me out. I think getting aged doesn't really help travelling around.

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好幾次去市中心都會看到George Sampson還有其他更年輕的小夥子表演,小夥子們各各輪番上陣跳街舞;可以感受到他們是為生活打工糊口,真是辛苦了。不過紅了之後,若被簽了約,也不會在市中心的街上看到他了。

George Sampson在ITV巡迴賽下的表演。

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這是從Micklegate Bar那一塊開始的景色,我走上城牆到約克大教堂的一路旅程。

約克是個老舊城市,所以關於靈異鬼魂出沒故事在這一帶總是人們掛在口上的話題。最近約克一直在促銷Ghost Trail(鬼魂追溯系列),大概是應映萬聖節的到來吧,各各知名鬼魂聚集的據點若想參與,在這個季節晚上到約克如招牌所示地點集合,便有專人帶領去探索過去著名的鬼魂出沒地。

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I spent one night in York and luckily stayed over a 4 star B&B with very fair price. It's a nice place and only 5 mins away from the city centre. If I go staying over night in York again, I will definitely choose this B&B. Very nice service and especially a very cosy and clean place. Even when I went back to collect my backpack, the owner even asked me whether I'd like to have a cup of tea before catching the train. It's very nice of her. Around Bootham area, there are plenty of B&B. I was quite happy to find this one when there was no vacancies around. There was only one room left and I took it. Again, I was lucky. The pictures were taken by my new mobile. Although the resolution is high, the picture quality is not good. Shame! I should have carry my camera with me.

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The Shambles又來了,商店租金超貴的地區,排排列的都是很復古的商店,裡頭的糖果商店還有賣洋茴香糖果咧,一堆奇奇怪怪口味的糖果,還有各式各樣的「茶室」。因為The Shambles位居於市場附近,市場與The Shambles的交界處有家英式傳統的酒吧餐廳Pub,很想去那邊吃吃看,可是每次去都不供應食物了,因為兩點後就沒有餐點了,得等到晚餐我又不會想來Pub了,就怕遇上一堆醉客漢。

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  • Oct 13 Sat 2007 04:29
  • 蹤影


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首篇歷險記,就談談基本Cardiff的五四三。週末與Alvyn去了Cardiff,雖然難得是風光明媚,我倆真是不幸的遇上Rugby Match;人多也就算了,當地與附近的B&B都客滿了,遠至倫敦,Bath, Bristol, Newport等這些地方都塞滿了人。還好Alvyn當地有人脈幫忙,提供我們住宿與伴陪著晚間夜遊,所以真的是不幸中的大幸,本來打算當天來回曼城,三小時半的旅程也認了,可是真的是累翻天,看到車站是已經排滿人潮,像是看演唱會那樣大排長龍,共分成四五大排,每排至少排上了一哩長的距離,真是令人大吃不消。人多也算了,當地的車流人馬也相當擁擠,幾乎是路人人手一杯啤酒,傍晚時刻已經是醉漢滿地躺著,整個城裡散佈著酒精濃厚味道,人到處撒尿的腥味,以及騎警馬糞的臭味,小小的一個地方,被湧入的四萬七千人給塞爆了。

這張是人潮開始湧入的下午時刻,還不到大塞的恐怖狀況,黃昏時刻,街上、餐廳、酒吧、城堡、草坪上等到處都充斥人潮,像是電影Dawn of the Dead劇情一樣,一堆湧入的殭屍(改成喝酒鬧事的醉漢們),第一天到達是威爾斯隊伍大戰澳大利亞隊伍,整條街上聽到人到處吆喝的聲音,狂歡叫囂的吵鬧聲,可以說是很有趣但是也很恐怖的場面。

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Hadrian's wall is a magnificent monument of the glorious Roman Empire, spanning 73 miles of some of the most beautiful countryside.

I took some pictures of cows and the view of Hadrian's walk path. The scenery there was really impressive. Ariel and I were lucky to have a good sunshine day to visit this historical landmark, which is one of the English Heritage sites along the wall, chronicling a time of Roman rule in England. Roman around the ruins and absorb 2,000 years of history. Standing there made me feel as if I was vividly involved in this ancient world by exploring the Roman forts, turrets, mile castles and reconstructions that span the wall. It's quite good to visit countryside once awhile. I am so glad that Ariel picked up a good place for both of us to visit there.

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