
目前分類:Films/ 影片觀感 (8)

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I enjoyed the film '300' very much. Whenever I watch it, I always enjoy the lines and the way that narrator delivers. I am particularly impressed by the lines of:

no time for softness
no room for tolerance
no space for weakness

I don't know why it sounds so familiar, It maybe how I was educated in Taiwan. I don't really see it as a bad thing, yet, it could be too harsh to accept it. Watching 300 is one of my way to motivate my life. Maybe I am a harsh and critical person but I am learning to be nice.

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Quoted from washingtonpost.com: A Voice for Taiwan's Freedom, History
Sunday, August 26, 2007
By Richard Harrington, WASHINGTON, The Washington Post

Not a lot of metal bands appear at both nightclubs and the National Press Club in Washington, but Chthonic will soon be doing just that here. And on Sept. 13, the Taiwanese ensemble will hold a downtown news conference to discuss its "UNlimited Taiwan" campaign and its experience as the first Asian extreme metal act in the Ozzfest tour -- an appropriate showcase for a band called "the Black Sabbath of Asia."

According to lead singer and songwriter Freddy Lim, the September events are particularly important because they coincide with the Sept. 18 opening of the annual session of the United Nations, which Taiwan will once again attempt to join, an effort blocked every year since 1993 by China, which asserts sovereignty over the island.

Chthonic -- pronounced "THON-nic," it's Greek, meaning "of the underworld" -- has recorded a single called "UNlimited Taiwan" and made a short film for the song, protesting their homeland's isolation in the international community.

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I can't wait to see this film! Actually, I should say that I am so excited about seeing Adrian Brody's performance. He is my favourite actor! In addition to Holly Wood movie--King Kong, I prefer his acting in other individual films, such as: The Jacket. Although he pulled off a brilliant performance in The Pianist (2002) as the youngest actor ever to win the Best Actor Academy Award, I am very impressed by his performance in the film, The Village . Well, I've to admit that I am attracted to his artistic charisma even though he is not a typical good-looking guy.

Last year I was looking for a magazine which contained 3-page interviewing with Adrian, I went WHSmith and many supermarkets to buy that magazine, yet I still missed the chance to buy that magazine. I asked Oscar to find that issue for me. He was quite surprised at my motivation since I am not really a magazine reader and not really interested in dirt or show business. He was asking me how come I suddenly pay interest to a specific magazine. I said, "because that magazine has an interview with Adrian Brody." Then he teased me as a loser since I start paying much attention to another man. hahaha~ Indeed, Indeed. He rarely got a chance to tease me since I am a big bully to him. I gave him a lot of compliments about how great he could do the housework and said, "well, this particular task--housework will be your future task; e.g. laundry, washing dishes, setting bed, tidying things, cooking meals; etc." He questions me, "If I need to do all of those, what would you do at home?" I responded immediately, "well, I am the manager so I make commands and you follow my instruction." I know I must be very cheeky to say so, but he gets used to my cheeky behaviour. Well, my flatmates who share a house with me before could tell how bossy I could be. I hope they won't find me too bitchy to them. :P

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  • Mar 26 Mon 2007 12:34
  • 300


近年來好萊塢電影都找了一堆英國口音的人來演,聽說是美國人裝英國口音不被大眾認同(我這邊是點頭如搗蒜,上次看了不知道啥片,美國人操著英國口音,但是用的是美國字眼,亂七八糟。),裡頭那位扮演政客叛徒的演員Dominic West (註1) 還自嘲說英國人被錄用的理由是英國演員價位便宜多些,不過我想在英國,還是很多人對美國英文多少有點歧視,朋友們都說美國人do not speak proper English。

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Adrien又演了新片子囉,記得上次要去看,結果因為一堆事情沒時間上電影院,現在就只有看DVD安慰自己一番。一直都很喜歡Adrien的片子,之前也單獨介紹過他,好片還是繼續推薦給大家囉(見:Adrien Brody)。

片  名 Hollywoodland
年  代 2006
國  家 美國
類  別 犯罪/劇情/神秘

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不知從何時喜歡Adrien Brody,對他有印象大概是從Village (Noah Percy) 這部片出來的,他扮演的智障青年,因愛戀一女子,但是孩童的心卻最後誤了自己的命,表演方式讓我有深刻的印象。後來在看到他是在Jacket這部驚悚離奇靈異片,裡頭他 (Jack Starks) 與Keira Knightley (Jackie Price) 的互動鏡頭,配合一個相當創新獨立的故事,表現著過去與現在同時發生的事件,讓我在兩小時的電影世界裡,十分享受。

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以往對迪士尼的卡通電影就充滿興趣,不過也很清楚卡通電影年齡層上比一般好萊塢電影還會來得廣泛些,也會有一種卡通電影必然的大好結局。去年看了這部電影─超人特攻隊,一直覺得是一部迥然不同的卡通電影;不同於一般超人電影永遠無時無刻受人愛載的基本模式,其中參雜了些現實層面的影響因素,顯示出與眾不同的人即使是注目的焦點,但在行善期間也是在不同的聲浪中會被淹沒消失。這段開頭也算最吸引我往下觀賞影片的一個開端,裡頭也說明了即使過去有光榮事蹟,超人潛伏於生活中躲避不開的中年危機,甚至家家有本難唸的經也出爐於電影情節中,與一般卡通在誇張表現迥然不同;也顯現出獨特的超人卡通情節。除了超能先生(Mr. Incredible)表現上,凡事都是以自我標準為主的原則,牴觸了所謂共享原則與在家庭下每個成員共同分擔的特性外;最後也因自己獨斷專行的個性造成了危機,危機中也呈現了團結的力量。


這幾年來卡通動畫片算是因為電腦的發達日新月異,情節也越來越強調獨特性,超人特攻隊算是我在卡通動畫片中,是屬於我最喜愛的一部,其中衣夫人(Edma Mode)強勢作風與自我為主的個性,雖然不怎麼算是個好個性,卻也不知為什麼是我最喜愛的角色。除了欣賞這部片所結合的創造力與現實面外,希望將來看到更多有趣不同的卡通動畫片。

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