
i'm is about making a difference in a simple, effective way. Every time you start a conversation using i'm, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. Choose the one that best addresses the issues you feel most passionate about. As you can see, these are groups you know and groups you know can get things done. Because this isn't only about good intentions, it's also about great results.

i'm is a new initiative from Windows Live™ Messenger. Every time you start a conversation using i'm, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes.


許多人當初以為這個綠色的「i'm」是微軟新推「隱藏版」表情符號,興高采烈地放在MSN暱稱的前面,正好變成「i'm 某某某(姓名)」,台灣微軟MSN部門行銷經理鍾婉珍表示,這是一個在美國推出的公益捐助計畫,在Windows Live Messenger 8.1版(8.1版本前均不支援)暱稱上輸入一串「特定碼」,MSN暱稱除了出現「i'm」符號之外,微軟將按照訊息量,拆分一定比例的廣告營收捐贈給代碼所表示的慈善機構,在第一年每個機構的捐款下限是十萬美元,聊越多微軟也將捐贈的越多,由於這個計畫是在美國實行,捐贈的對象將是美國慈善團體,而且限定對話的雙方必須有一方是在美國網站註冊的用戶。


American Red Cross(美國紅十字會,特定碼*red+u)
Boys & Girls Club(兒童群益會,特定碼*bgca)
National AIDS Fund(美國國家愛滋基金,特定碼*naf)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society(國家多發性硬化症學會,特定碼*mssoc)國際兒童難民援助組織,特定碼*9mil)
Sierra Club 山巒協會(保護自然生態的地球環境協會,特定碼*sierra)防止全球溫室效應惡化的機構,特定碼 *help)
Susan G. Komen for the Cure(乳癌基金會,特定碼*komen)
The US fund for UNICEF(美國地區聯合國兒童基金會,特定碼*unicef)
World Wildlife Fund for Nature(世界自然基金會,特定碼*wwf)
The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (樂施會;協助解決當時世界各地饑荒及貧窮問題,特定碼*oxfam)
USA Care Ministries International (國際關懷協會,特定碼*care)
The Humane Society of the United States(美國人道協會,特定碼*hsus)
American Cancer Society(美國癌症協會,特定碼*acs)
ONE Campaign-(全球消除貧困與對抗愛滋的組織(GCAP),特定碼*one)



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