
I'm not a Chirstian, not a Jew, not a Zoroastrian, no even a Muslim.
I don't belong to the land, or to any known or unknown sea.
Nature can't own or claim me, nor can heaven.
Nor can India, China, Bulgaria,
My birthplace is placelessness,
My sign to hv and give no sign.
U say u see my mouth, ears, nose-they are not mine.
I'm the life of life.
I'm that cat, that stone, no one.
I hv thrown duality away like an old dishrag.
I see & know all worlds,
As one, one, always one.
So what do I hv to do to get you to admit who is speaking?
Admit it and change everything!
This is your own voice echoing off the walls of God.

-Poet Rumi

    創作者 g4alien 的頭像

    G4alien's 365 & 1/4 的生活空間

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