Unlike usual, I went to bed earlier, which is around 1:50 am. I know it is not really considered “early” for others, yet it is really early bed time for me. I think I should not resist going to bed early due to the nightmare problem. I should have some faith to sleep early and I would sleep peacefully like a little baby. However, I wonder whether it is a coincidence or I am doomed to have nightmare torture in the past two decades. Once again, nightmare happened and it woke me up over and over again. I am really sick of this kind of torture.

Anyway, the dream could be treated like a horror or a thrill plot and in a joking way; some say I had a free movie to watch daily whenever it occurs at my bed time. However, if they have this kind of thrill plot dream playing two or three times over night on a daily basis, I wonder whether they could say it in a joking tone. I do not want to sound like a witch or a kind of medium or I should continue to see my therapist to solve the fundamental problem. Unfortunately, whenever I made an appointment, they often say I am just doing fine. The nightmare would go away by time. Yet, five years going by with the counseling courses, nothing really changes.

Yesterday it was a painful dream to wake me up. Oh, I should correct it. The thrill DREAMS woke me up with the pain from my head to my toes as if my skin was really burnt out piece by piece. In the dream, I was a 14 year-old girl who has an older brother aged 16 and a young little sister aged 8 to 10 or so. This teenaged girl, who is me feeling the whole process, was genetically abnormal but the symptom of instability only showed up at teens. She was not the only one who is an abnormal genetically difference but also her limbs. Unluckily, she was the first one revealing all the signs. Her skin turned to be sensitive to the air and the symptoms are tissue-dissolving and bone-melting whenever the skin contacts the air.

Whilst she noticed and sensed the tissue dissolving, I also felt the pain and saw the skin melting into a liquid jelly condition dropping on the ground through her own eyes. That vulnerable feelings and unspoken scare were to the utmost. I saw the tissue and flesh from the wrist to the elbow starting to dissolve little by little as if the skin touched the strong acid and blood with flesh dropped off. Immediately, her mom was around and she was sent to emergency room for a specific and thorough examination. The doctor gave her a special material of suit, which looked like a transparent plastic wrappage, and which is somewhat like spaceman suit to hope this kind of material is able to separate different air density. It was examined that her body is in another form of human flesh density and the flesh would be dissolved when it is exposed in the air.

When she (I) had the suit, which contains several pieces to design for each part of body, she tried to put it on, especially from her head. When she put on mask and it tightened up immediately. Her (my) brain seemed to be blocked by water and the brain pain was reduced within a second. Also, the feelings about the swollen brain was more like some watery ingredient inside and she learned to breathe through the mask as if she was wearing jelly diving mask. Then she tried to put on all the pieces one by one, but there were two pieces of knee joint were dropped off the hospital bench. Her little sister picked it up but she did not return the joint pieces to her elder sister. On the contrary, she felt ill and felt her toes started to dissolve and she was in a strong fear and thought she should keep the pieces in case that she happened to start all the symptoms without any pre-caution. While busy putting on the pieces of suit, the fist patient, which was me on her body, did not notice her sister hiding something behind her.

The following day, her big brother started his symptoms of melting from his shoulders. His tissue-dissolving speed is much faster than his first sister. Everyone was in a shock and no one expected the next one would turn up in the next day. I was looking at the suffering brother and noticed that my little sister was also looking at him with a complex face. I could not tell her emotions. The boy I was looking at was screaming and crying out load. He took off his t-shirt to see the melting speed. The suffering brother was hit by someone on his head and passed out. His right shoulder continued to dissolve in a very fast speed. I saw a big fragment of flesh on his shoulder was dropped off and the bone with blood and shattered flesh was revealed. At that moment, I knew that he was about to die soon; may be within 30 minutes.

Then I felt the uncovered part of my body started to dissolve again, so I was in a rush to put on the rest pieces of suit. However, the wrist wrapping part was tore apart accidentally and the burning pain commenced. I tried to ignore all the pain but put on the toe pieces and the main body piece. Meanwhile, I felt my knees becoming weak and felt my weight heavy, and was unable to support my weight. I felt down and searched here and there for the keen joint piece. Of course, I could not find it because I did not know my little sister hided it due to her fear. I saw my joint melting and dissolving with the dropping flesh fragments.

I was so pain and shrieked and screeched out for my mom, “Mom, help me!!! I am melting, HELPPPP! Somebody helps me. Ahhhhhh.” Yet, mom did not show up but I saw my little sister again, who stared at me at the door entrance with the same shock face, and holding my knee joint pieces. I was begging her to give it to me and help me out of the pain. She was frightened by the older brother and terrified by me. She was doing nothing, saying something with a hollow voice, which I could not feel and hear, but even worse, she held my joint pieces even tighter. As for me, I kept screaming and asking her to give me my pieces.

Dream stopped. I woke up with whole parts of body and skin in pain as if I was really going through every process of the pain. The pain was like that I soaked in the icy cold water or the pain like touching ice for few minutes. My legs were bended and my body was like a frozen stone, until few seconds later, I could start moving. I decided to wake up and write down the dream. I was glad that I did not need to go through the end. Hopefully, I could resume my sleep and not another nightmare. Yet, the following dream was even painful than the first one. I was in a machine and was going to be crushed. I would not talk about it this time because I am really sick of having nightmares like this.

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