原本以為博士畢業論文交了之後,我可以好好休息個一個月,就吃喝玩樂過上好一陣子,不過事已願違,老天似乎就是給我一個忙碌命的生活;兩週後就被journal paper通知我的paper被錄用,也就是說,我得開始按照editor的建議修正paper,十月中得遞交。


不過老闆看了建議之後還很高興的說評審的建議還挺正面的,從頭到尾都沒批判我的東西是否完全關聯international business;想想當初遞交的時候,老闆當初還一副意滿志得地說, “I don’t find any reason why they won’t accept your paper. Your research brings a different view in international business.”。我聽到這樣老師看到建議改說法,心理還想「來這套,好英國人的說法」;paper交之前跟之後兩個說法,想的時候,腦子裡還出現很多XXOO的字眼。



豈想到,隔天學校發了一封通知信件,告知英國home office的簽證組又發了新條文,說簽證可以從口試完後多給四個月;一方面這個消息解決了我得回台灣的預算,可以直接在英國先辦英國簽證後再抓緊時間辦義大利簽證,可是另一方面,剛花了三百鎊繳簽證費,然後一個月不到,難道又要我再去辦英國簽證延簽,心理實在十分不爽花這筆錢。

當天發了信給秘書要求簽證需求的信件,今天一大早就去學校學生中心,排了將近一個小時的隊伍,終於輪到我詢問相關簽證事宜的文件與費用。學校幫忙辦理簽證的工作人員是個很和藹可親的黑人officer,聽了我的狀況,也很瞭解國際學生的簽證狀況擺出,直接撥了通電話到利物浦簽證處諮詢我的狀況,學校的officer現場告知我,由於英國新簽證政策,英國簽證組答應幫我修正簽證月份,改多四個月給我,只要我補繳兩張照片,其中的簽證申請費用就省了,home office自己願意承擔修正簽證的費用。




UKCISA tell us that the Home Office Border and Immigration Agency have now announced the length of extensions they will give to PhD students who need to extend their visas.
Here is the message:

"It has been decided that with the PhD students we will grant four months from the date of the viva. We therefore require if not the exact viva date, then an estimation of when it is likely to take place, for example the month."

If you are assisting a PhD student with an application, make sure you provide a clear explanation of roughly when the viva voce is likely to take place. Do try to identify a month. Remember that the Border & Immigration Agency will always choose the earliest rather than the latest date, if they are given alternatives. You should also make sure that the other documents included with the application do not contain contradictory or confusing information.

We have written a sample for academic staff if you need to show your supervisors. You can find on our website,


TOURISM or VISIT (family/friends/conferences).

A passport or official travel document valid for at least 3 months beyond the validity of the requested visa, with a proper blank page to affix the visa sticker (provide photocopy of relevant pages: personal data, validity, renewal and current permit to stay in UK). The Certificate of Identity issued by the British authorities is accepted only if it has an indefinite leave to remain in UK.


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